Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Teacher Diaries-Chapter 3-The Airport

September 2003

I have never been surrounded by so many family members, even though they greeted me at home, they still felt the incessant need to capture last moments of this celebrity before leaving the country. Needless to say Cape Town International was packed, and I was one of eight who was on the red carpet. People standing around waiting for that boarding call, that announcement that the passengers for flight EK 804 bound for Dubai should board at gate 4, just added to the tension. Butterflies now had a permanent haven in my stomach. My mom and sisters had so many tears in their eyes one could hire them for a funeral, and I didn’t even give my final goodbyes yet. 
My dad on the other hand, looked at me very mysteriously, sending off half smiles now and then, trying hard not to show his true emotion. He was of course not too impressed with me leaving again, taking his grandchildren away from him once more. Although he knew he couldn’t change my mind at that stage, he still hoped for some miracle that the inevitably of me fleeing the city, wouldn’t actually become a reality. Don’t get me wrong, he was happy and proud, but also sad and disappointed-all the emotions a father should feel.
As I glanced across this uncomfortable waiting room, I couldn’t help but notice that all the other money chasers who were leaving with me were going through more or less the same thing with their families.

Mental Note-Airport Greetings must be added to the book of cultures and traditions in the Cape-if a book like this even exists. I think we are the only people who makes a really big deal about personally sending people on their way, no matter the destination. It’s noisy, crowded, and mostly it attracts a lot of attention, hence my celebrity status. Cousins, aunts, uncles, hell even ex-girlfriends, who one hadn’t seen in years, would show and wish you all the best. And if they didn’t, they would be questioned later. It’s weird and nice at the same time.  

“This is the final boarding call for passengers boarding flight EK 804 for Dubai. Please board immediately,” blared through the airport’s PA system. This is it! After multiple kisses on cheeks, hugs-holding on to dear life, and a final farewell to immediate love ones, I stepped through the gates of no-return.

Chapter 4
Dubai be continued

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